Used commercial griddles Australia can be seen as a basic piece of commercial kitchen equipment, yet the simple, flat metal plate can turn its hand to many different uses to make it an extremely useful piece of kit. In most cases, griddles are available in either electric or gas LPG or natural gas. Flat griddles are by far the most popular because it is easily cleaned.SHOP BENCH TOP GRIDDLESSHOP FREE STANDING GRIDDLES

It’s not just about offering grilled rather than battered or fried food, griddles are great for crepes, flat breads and even fruit. It is even possible to stir fry directly onto the griddle plate; investing in a griddle can therefore offer many choices to your menu.
Having a griddle in the kitchen can offer many positives, including:
- The development of flavour that occurs with the browning (caramelising) process.
- The tenderising of meats such as steaks and chicken breasts.
- The development of crispness or a crust.
- The drying out of products such as pancakes, bread and buns.
- The melting off of fats, especially in food like sausages and bacon.

When it comes to buying a griddle, things to consider include:
- The kitchen requirements for the grill; this will help when considering the size to suit the needs.
- Ask for advice when buying a griddle and tell a dealer what the needs will be; they are there to help.
- Choose equipment which is easy to clean.
- Griddle plates should have no gaps to allow grease to seep into the body. Look for gully welded plates or one-piece castings. Splash guards should be integrated for the same reason.
- Larger units should offer the flexibility and energy saving capacity of a dual heat zone.
- Major manufacturers offer a wide range of griddle plates including machined steel, ribbed, half-ribbed and chrome. Chrome griddles radiate less heat into the atmosphere and so are more energy efficient than steel plate models. This contributes to a more pleasant working environment.
- Check the drainage channel – will it be easy to use and keep clean?
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Griddle Surface

Other than the fact that griddles come in different shapes and sizes, there is another key decision to make when buying them; what type of metal will be used for the plate and what will the finish of the surface be. As with contact grills, griddles are available in cast iron, but rather than aluminium, are usually available in different types of steel as the alternative.
Plate Thickness
Once a decision has been made on the metal for your griddle, the thickness of the plates has to be considered, as both have varying successes.
Thin plates are more responsive when wanting to adjust temperature, come up to temperature quicker requiring mess energy and are generally cheaper. But they can warp if preheated at high temperatures and distribute heat less evenly causing hot and cold spots.
Thick plates are less likely to warp, retain heat longer and distribute heat more evenly. But they respond slower to changes in temperature control and they require more energy to bring up to the desired temperature.
Electric or Gas Griddle
One key decision a customer will make is whether to use a gas or electric griddle. Gas is often seen as heavier duty and tends to be more responsive to temperature control. However, electric has the benefit that it doesn’t need to be installed by an engineer and easier to move to a different location if needs be.
A griddle can be a useful instrument to have in a commercial kitchen as it can be utilised in many ways.